Babyface Moth - Adult Stage
Babyface Moth AKA Nightwing

Babyface Moth AKA Nightwing

Life Stages of the Nightwing

Life Stages of the Nightwing

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Babyface Moth - Adult Stage

The dreaded carrion loving creatures that roam the night looking for whatever might be a suitable host for its offspring.
The sinister nocturnal Nightwing or also known as "Babyface Moth" evolves from a standard insect style gestation involving egg to adult transformation over a period of 3 to 4 years. Within that time the Pupa stage takes on a horrific transformation while deeply embedded inside an unwilling host. Most of the time the Nightwing will scour the area until it finds a host body, If no host body can be found within an ample amount of time, the moth will then become hyper aggressive in its attempt to lay its eggs and this creature will take live prey including insemination while still alive and conscious.

Origins of this creature are rumored to have started from a failed attempt to summon a demonic creature from a long forgotten and ancient cult. Falling somewhere between a hideous creature from hell and a biological anomaly these beasts range in size from 4ft to 8ft but always the behaviors are the same, Hunt, Kill, Breed, Repeat...

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